W5020 CS Ed Week 2020

From Coder Merlin
Within these castle walls be forged Mavens of Computer Science ...
— Merlin, The Coder

Promotional Material[edit]

Computer Science Ed week- Social Justice[edit]

 Ed Week 2020
  • Computer science Intro
  • Linux Basics
  • Shell basics
  • Igis and graphics

Merlin Shell Access Application:


Spreading the news:

  • Social Media
  • Flyers
  • Clubs and classes
  • Advertise to other schools(Frisco, Plano, Lowery)


  • Incorporate diversity into it
  • What the event/organization is about:
  “Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek) is an annual call to action to inspire K-12 students to learn computer science, advocate for equity in computer science education, and celebrate the contributions of students, teachers, and partners to the field. As part of the #CSforGood movement this year we’re proud to elevate”

Computer Science Concepts[edit]

Linux Basics[edit]

Getting Ready[edit]

Installing the secure shell extension[edit]

To access Merlin, you'll need a secure shell client.

If you're using a Windows-based device: install Google Chrome, open up Chrome and search "Secure Shell Extension", install the extension.

If you're using a Mac or Linux based device, it probably already has a built-in client which can be accessed from the terminal.

You will need a connection string to access the server.

Obtaining an account[edit]

Fill out this form (if you haven't already) and wait for your credentials to be provided (via email).

Once your account is obtained, open up the "Connection Dialogue", and input the connection string. It will prompt you for your password, input it and continue to the "shell" (for further reference).

Navigating the Shell[edit]

In order to see what our working directory is inside the shell, we are going to use pwd which stands for "print the working directory". You can use the command by typing it in and hitting <RETURN>.

first-last@codermerlin:~$  pwd

After using the command you should see something like the below console line. As long as you haven't moved in the directory you should start off in the home directory.


Next, let's try the ls command which will list the directories and files in the working directory.

first-last@codermerlin:~$  ls

However no files or directories have been created yet, so there won't be anything to display.

We can make a directory by using the command mkdir

first-last@codermerlin:~$  mkdir firstDirectory

To enter the directory simply use the command "cd <SPACE> directoryName".

first-last@codermerlin:~$  cd firstDirectory

And if we use the pwd command now, we should see that we are in the created directory.

first-last@codermerlin:~$  pwd


Now let's navigate out of the current directory. Using the previous cd command we can use "../" to go back one directory (which can be chained together, e.g. ../../../, ".." just replaces the current directory name), leave it blank to return to the home directory or use "~" to also get to the home directory.

first-last@codermerlin:~$  cd ../

Now that we have returned to the home directory, let's try listing again:

first-last@codermerlin:~$  ls

You should now see the directory previously added.


For more detailed information on this and relating topics: W1002 The Client, the Server, and the Shell


Graphics Project[edit]