W2653 CSV File Processing

From Coder Merlin
Within these castle walls be forged Mavens of Computer Science ...
— Merlin, The Coder


CSV File Processing[edit]

This tutorial will provide an introduction about processing CSV files.



Create a new directory in your ~/projects folder, named project-2651. Then, download this file Example-metars.csv to that directory.

cd ~/projects
mkdir project-2651
cd project-2651
wget https://wiki.codermerlin.com/mediawiki/images/1/15/Example-metars.csv

View the file in emacs:

emacs Example-metars.csv

Carefully review the file. Remember that the "\" character as the last character in a line in emacs is a line-continuation character. (For reference, you may read Continuation-Lines.) You'll probably find it much easier to read most lines if you maximize the width of your window.


Key Concepts[edit]