W2294 Singly-Linked Lists

From Coder Merlin
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Within these castle walls be forged Mavens of Computer Science ...
— Merlin, The Coder


Linked Lists are an essential data structure to be familiar with in the field of Computer Science. Particularly, a Singly-Linked List is the most simple form of a Linked List and acts as a linear data structure. Being a linear data structure means Linked Lists hold some data in a linear fashion, a simple list where each item is organized one after the other(for instance, this could be a list of users for a given application).

Oftentimes, this data structure is compared to its simpler alternative: Arrays. In the following, we'll explore the features of Linked Lists, their usages, how they're programmed, all the while contrasting them with other data structures, namely Arrays and Dynamic Arrays

Key Concept[edit]

The Structure of a Linked List is perhaps the most important of its features. Simply a Linked List contains two parts for every element that needs to be stored. There is the Node and the Next. The Node is what stores the data and the Next (also referred to as a pointer) points to the next Node in the sequence. Because of this, a Singly Linked List is simply a series of Nodes that contain data each of which has a Next that simply refers to the next Node in the sequence.

This begs the question, what does the last Node point to? Well, in the case of a Singly-Linked List, the final Node will simply contain null or its equivalent in the language. For the Swift programming language, this would the value nil.

Additionally, the beginning of a Linked List is called the head. It's important to understand the head is not the first element being stored, rather it is the reference to the first Node. It's essentially a Next value that specifically refers to the first Node, and if the Head returns null or its equivalents, that indicates the Linked List is empty.

For further clarification, consult the diagram below


Structure of a Singly-Linked List

Coding a Linked List[edit]

To start coding a Linked List, first a Node class needs to be declared that describes the Node's value and its Next. Then a Linked List class will be made to handle the functions we'd like to use.

public class Node {
  var value: String
  var next: Node? //use ? operator so next can equal nil at the end
  init(value: String){
    self.value = value

for convenience, we'll include some basic functions in our Linked List class to get the head and tails of the Linked List.

public class LinkedList {
  private var head: Node? 
  private var tail: Node?
  public var firstNode: Node? {
    return head

  public var lastNode: Node? {
    return tail

then, we'll make some basic functions in the LinkedList class, starting with append (adding an item at the end)

 public func append (value: String){
    let node = Node(value: value)
    if let lastNode = tail {
      lastNode.next = node //has the current lastNode point to the new node
    else {
      head = node //populates head if list is empty

    tail = node //configures the field of tail in the Linked List class to node

Now, we can make a function to remove a given Node. The functionality for this will be difficult, however using Singly-Linked Lists, you see, it is very difficult to back-track with a strict Singly Linked list, which is why Doubly-Linked Lists are typically used when back tracking is needed. Nevertheless, we will implement the function with the precondition that the item following the given Node will be removed.

public func remove(node: Node) -> String {
    let next = node.next
    if next == nil{} // do nothing if the last node was given
    else if let secondNext = next!.next{
      node.next = secondNext              
    return node.value

Finally, let's attempt to return a given Node at an index. For these sorts of use cases, an Array will typically be better, but nevertheless, the following would accomplish this.

public func get(index: Int) -> Node? {
  if index >= 0 {
    var node = head
    var i = index
    while node != nil {
      if i == 0 { return node }
      i -= 1
      node = node!.next
  return nil

Finally, let's put this all together with a demo using all of the methods we made.


var carList = LinkedList()

carList.append(value:"Thunder J-150")
carList.append(value:"Nikola Model Y")
carList.remove(node: carList.nodeAt(index:0)!)



Having understood the key idea behind Singly-Linked Lists and some experience coding one, we need to understand the implications this structure of data storage. Specifically, we'll look at its implications on Time Complexity and Space Complexity while describing the Singly-Linked Lists strengths as compared to the data structure of Arrays.

First, a clarification on Time Complexity and Space Complexity. These terms refer to the performance of any give code where Time Complexity involves the time it takes to perform a certain program and Space Complexity refers to the memory that must be allocated for the same program. These two metrics are important to look at when considering the performance of a program.

Space Complexity[edit]

Let's take a look at the Space complexity of a Singly-Linked List. A Singly-Linked List is said to have linear Space-Complexity, which means that for n elements that must be stored, the space that must be allocated will scale by n. More specifically, there needs to be 2 spaces in memory allocated for each element that is meant to be stored. This is because for each element, there is a Node which stores the actual data and a Next that points to the data.

In this regard, Arrays are more efficient because they require only one area of memory allocation for each element that must be stored since Arrays do not have any pointers or Next's.

Additionally, the memory allocation of Linked Lists are also a factor when comparing them to Arrays. Arrays have memory allocated such that each element of data is "next" to each other but Linked Lists have their data elements stored arbitrarily in memory meaning the data may be stored in a very disconnected fashion and the cpu could be subject to weaker performance. The following image represents the likeness of a Linked List's relatively scattered memory.

Scattered Linked List Visualization.png

Time Complexity[edit]

However, in terms of Time Complexity, there are several unique advantages of Linked-Lists specifically when it comes to insertion and deletion of elements. Both of these operations are said to take constant time, meaning it would take the same time for the computer to execute the operation regardless of the amount of elements that need to be inserted or deleted.

To understand why this is, recall the structure of a Linked List. Since it's nothing more than Nodes containing data to point to each other, all that needs to be done to insert new Nodes is change two pointers.

Take the below diagram. There is the primary Linked List and below that a secondary Linked List which we wish to insert into the middle of the primary using some code.

Condition before insertion

All we need to do is traverse to the middle Node and set its Next value to be the Node we wish to add then simply set the Next of that Node to point back to the Primary Linked List.

Notice the order of the List is now 1, 4, 2, 3

The same approach can be used for deletion, but instead the idea is to circumvent a particular Node or series of Nodes by having the appropriate Next values around the given Nodes.

Having understood this, try to go back to the code examples and understand where these shifts were made to allow insertion and deletion of Nodes.

Compared to Arrays, Linked List are vastly more flexible in terms of deletion and insertion. In most languages, Arrays cannot be changed meaning a new Array would have to be made for every insertion or deletion of an element and the time required would be linear, scaling for every element that must be added. Linked Lists are significantly superior in this regard.

That said, the usage of Pointers does make it so the operations of searching and sorting are somewhat more difficult. As was mentioned in the coding example, back-tracking with a strictly singular linked-list is rather difficult. This is because in order to traverse a Singly-Linked List, one must go through each pointer, restricting time time for Searches and Sorts to linear time and making forward the only way to traverse through the list. In a sense, Singly-Linked Lists can only be searched sequentially since there are no indexes one may reference for binary searches or otherwise. In this regard, arrays provide a better performance.


Having understood this data structure on a fairly deep level, we'll now look at the usages of Singly-Linked Lists. Recall that Linked Lists shine best when it comes to insertions and deletions while being sub-optimal for searching and sorting.

Therefore the optimal usages of Singly-Linked Lists are instances where times for insertion and deletion are critical, where the number of elements that need to be stored is not known up front, and where access to arbitrary values in the list is not needed.

Many examples of Singly-Linked Lists in fact, are other more complicated data structures. For instance, a Stack is made using Singly-Linked Lists because insertion and deletion of elements is a regular operation that must be done and not finding random elements within the Stack. The Stack data structure is used for many low-level operations and handling functions, expressions, algorithms, memory etc.

Indeed, Singly-Linked Lists are behind a great many of the common features of Computer Science. Their simple structure allows them to be used to be used in both niche and broad applications.


1 Which of these is the best definition of a singly-linked list?

An unchangeable series of data stored linearly, one after the other
A series of values called Nodes where each node points to the next and previous nodes
A series of values called Nodes where each node points to the next node
A series of data that follows the First-in last-out principle

2 What is the name of the value used to reference the node after a given node

an After
a Next
a Prev
a Pointer

3 Why do Linked Lists have greater space-complexity than Arrays?

Because Linked Lists require both a data value and a Next to reference the next Node
Because Nodes are stored randomly in memory
Linked Lists use the exact same space as an Array counter part
Linked Lists can be changed while Arrays can not

4 Why do Linked Lists have constant time-complexity for insertion and deletion operations?

Because Nodes can be adjusted by changing their pointers one by one for each Node that needs to be changed
Each Node needs to be sequentially searched through
Linked Lists have logarithmic time-complexity for insertion and deletion operations
Any series of Nodes can be inserted or deleted by changing the same number of pointers regardless of how many Nodes need to be changed

5 Why do Linked Lists have linear time-complexity for Searching and Sorting operations?

Searching and Sorting algorithms can not be done using Linked Lists
Each Node needs to be sequentially searched through and there are no indexes available for advanced sorting algorithms
Linked Lists can have logarithmic time-complexity for searching and sorting operations by adjusting pointers
Because Singly-Linked Lists lack a reference to prior Nodes

6 In which scenario is a Singly-Linked List better to use than an Array?

Random Access to data is needed in conjunction with Search Algorithms
A known set of Data needs to be mutated requiring iterations back and forth
An Unknown amount of Data needs to be Stored linearly

7 In which scenario is an Array better to use than a Singly-Linked List?

Large amounts of data needs to be Sorted before various processes
Data needs to be simulated in the form of a Stack that follows the Fist-In, Last-out Principle
Random Access to data is not needed, only values such as the front and back of a List

8 True or False: Singly-Linked Lists have references to Prior Nodes


9 True or False: Stacks are used to make Linked Lists


10 True or False: The Head of a Linked List refers to the first Node
