Property:Knowledge and skills description

From Coder Merlin

This property contains text and is used to provide a description of the relevant knowledge and skills.

Showing 80 pages using this property.
Actively engage with the larger community to create relevant and meaningful digital products which contribute to the welfare of society  +
Actively mentor learners within and beyond the school environment  +
Analyze a documented algorithm, improve the design of the algorithm, and implement in code  +
Analyze existing code and document the algorithm  +
Analyze problems and design solutions that exhibit robust behavior by preventing runtime errors  +
Analyze, design, implement, and debug common algorithms  +
Code, using a text-based, authentic programming language, solutions based upon a design document  +
Compare and contrast design methodologies and implementation techniques  +
Create meaningful applications which interact with a user through a graphical user interface  +
Create meaningful applications which produce well-formed console output  +
Create meaningful applications with prompts issued to console output which acquire input from a user via the console  +
Create programs using best practices to maximize readability and comprehension  +
Create programs which display numeric data through the use of data visualization  +
Create programs which render bitmap images  +
Create programs which render vector graphics  +
Create relevant and meaningful digital products in collaboration with learners in other subject areas  +
Create web pages using HTML and CSS  +
Define and specify the domain of a problem and the purpose and goals of solving the problem  +
Demonstrate an understanding of object-oriented design  +
Demonstrate knowledge of computer hardware systems  +
Demonstrate knowledge of computer hardware systems  +, Demonstrate knowledge of the evolution of computer hardware systems and key contributors to their development  +
Demonstrate proficiency in adding two operands specified in the binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal systems  +
Demonstrate proficiency in counting in the binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal systems  +
Demonstrate proficiency in following a systematic, problem-solving process by analyzing specifications and clearly identifying program purpose and goals, required data types, objects, and subtasks to be performed;  +
Demonstrate proficiency in managing files and processes using a command line interface  +
Demonstrate proficiency in reading and understanding large programs and the ability to analyze, evaluate, and modify such programs, including the design description and process development  +
Demonstrate proficiency in representing primitive data types as they are represented within the computer  +
Demonstrate proficiency in safe conversions of basic data types  +
Demonstrate proficiency in selecting the appropriate data type for solutions  +
Demonstrate proficiency in string manipulation  +
Demonstrate proficiency in the use of arithmetic operators to create mathematical expressions  +
Demonstrate proficiency in the use of assignment operators for various data types  +
Demonstrate proficiency in the use of common mathematical functions  +
Demonstrate proficiency in the use of library functions  +
Demonstrate proficiency in the use of logical operators  +
Demonstrate proficiency in the use of positional notation to represent and convert between numbers in the binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal systems  +
Demonstrate proficiency in the use of relational operators for various data types  +
Demonstrate proficiency in using a source control system for single-users  +
Demonstrate proficiency in using a source control system with multiple users  +
Demonstrate proficiency in using multiple tools via a command-line interface  +
Demonstrate proficiency in using one-dimensional arrays to traverse, search, and modify data  +
Demonstrate proficiency in using program design problem-solving strategies, design, document and implement a solution to an authentic problem  +
Demonstrate understanding and proficiency in the use of bitwise operations  +
Demonstrate understanding and proficiency in the use of Boolean algebra canonical representation  +
Demonstrate understanding and proficiency in the use of logic composition  +
Demonstrate understanding and proficiency in the use of Boolean algebra truth tables  +
Demonstrate understanding and proficiency in distinguishing L-values from R-values and their appropriate use  +
Demonstrate understanding and proficiency in the use of Boolean algebra  +
Demonstrate understanding and proficiency in the use of DeMorgan's Laws  +
Demonstrate understanding and proficiency in the use of SR latches  +
Demonstrate understanding and proficiency in the use of binary adders  +
Demonstrate understanding and proficiency in the use of constants  +
Demonstrate understanding and proficiency in the use of logic gates  +
Demonstrate understanding and proficiency in the use of variables  +
Demonstrate understanding of the data-binding process between arguments and parameters  +
Design and document a solution to an authentic problem  +
Develop programs which define and instantiate classes, encapsulating both data and functionality  +
Develop programs which define and invoke functions comparing their arguments  +
Develop programs which define and invoke functions which do not return values; those which require parameters and those that don't  +
Develop programs with algorithms which require conditionals  +
Develop programs with algorithms which require conditionals  +
Develop programs with proper regard to scope  +
Develop programs with sequential algorithms to solve non-branching and non-iterative problems  +
Employ various productivity tools to gather and analyze authentic data to serve as the basis of programs  +
Identify and appropriately resolve compile-time errors  +
Identify and appropriately resolve runtime and logic errors by relying on error messages, reference materials, and effective strategies  +
Identify and specify reusable components from existing code to solve a problem  +
Identify and specify the data types required to solve a problem  +
Identify and specify the subtasks required to solve a problem  +
Model proper digital etiquette  +
Participate with electronic communities as a learner and contributor  +
Research, using a variety of resources, authentic data to serve as the basis of programs  +
Research, using a variety of resources, and document and publish findings regarding measures used to ensuring the security of computer systems  +
Research, using a variety of resources, and document and publish findings comparing and contrasting operating systems  +
Research, using a variety of resources, and document and publish findings regarding relevant and current issues related to intellectual property, including copyright laws, the sharing of information, and software licensing agreements  +
Research, using a variety of resources, and document and publish findings regarding online privacy  +
Research, using a variety of resources, and document and publish findings comparing and contrasting programming languages  +
Seek advice from peers and professionals in evaluating work processes and products and respond appropriately  +
Select the most appropriate algorithm for a defined problem  +
Test programs for correctness using appropriate methods and data  +