
From Coder Merlin
Within these castle walls be forged Mavens of Computer Science ...
— Merlin, The Coder



emacs is a powerful text editor and environment that we'll be using heavily throughout our experiences. You can read more about emacs in this guided tour emacs tour but the best way to learn emacs is just by jumping in to the tutorial.

Do not skip this tutorial or skimp on your effort. Learning emacs is essential to doing well and every minute that you invest in learning emacs will pay off a hundred fold.

The Tutorial[edit]

Log on to the server and start emacs:

john-williams@codermerlin:~$  emacs

emacs will start. Read the startup screen closely. It's important to learn to read messages thoroughly; don't skim, read. A careful reading will tell you exactly what you need to do to start the tutorial.

Hint.pngHelpful Hint

Remember that on the wiki key combinations are displayed as two adjacent keyboard keys, separated by a hyphen. Within the emacs tutorial, a different method is used.

On the Wiki Within emacs Tutorial
ALT-x M-x