Digital Portfolio

From Coder Merlin
Within these castle walls be forged Mavens of Computer Science ...
— Merlin, The Coder

A digital portfolio is an authentic, intentional, organic multimedia exhibit of student growth, self-reflection, talent, and achievement - both for oneself and for others (teachers, parents, guardians, colleges, potential employers, etc.)

Create your Digital Portfolio on GitHub[edit]

  1. To get started, be sure to set up your SSH key as described in Token Allocation.
  2. Create a new repository on GitHub named  <username>, replacing  <username>  with your GitHub username. Do not add any files to the repository.

Create your Digital Portfolio on the Server[edit]

1. Create a new directory named Digital Portfolio in your home directory

jane-williams@codermerlin:~$ mkdir "Digital Portfolio"

2. Create a link to the new directory from your www directory, which is the only directory from which your web server will serve files

jane-williams@codermerlin:~$ cd ~/www

jane-williams@codermerlin:~$www ln -s ~/Digital\ Portfolio "Digital Portfolio"

3. Create a file to set the permissions of both directories to allow the web server read and traverse access

jane-williams@codermerlin:~$ emacs

Into this file, place:

chmod -R a+rX ~/www ~/Digital\ Portfolio

Save the file and exit emacs.

4. Execute the script anytime that you add a new file

jane-williams@codermerlin:~$ ./

5. Create an index.html File

jane-williams@codermerlin:~$ emacs

Into this file, place:

            <p>Hello, world!</p>

Save the file and exit emacs.

6. Create a .gitignore File

jane-williams@codermerlin:~$ emacs .gitignore

Into this file, place:


Save the file and exit emacs.

7. Add and commit the files

jane-williams@codermerlin:~$ git add .gitignore index.html

jane-williams@codermerlin:~$ git commit -m "First commit"

8. Add the GitHub remote location as an origin for the local repository

jane-williams@codermerlin:~$ git remote add origin <username> / <username>