Chrome SSH Extension

From Coder Merlin
Within these castle walls be forged Mavens of Computer Science ...
— Merlin, The Coder


Google provides an excellent and free Secure Shell Extension which is often the easiest way to obtain a shell for use with Coder Merlin. The steps required to install this extension are listed below.

The instructions below require Google Chrome; they won't work correctly in any other browser.

Step 1: Find the Extension[edit]

Using Google Chrome, search for "secure shell extension":

Google Find Secure Shell Extension.png

Step 2: Click on the Correct Link[edit]

Be sure you are clicking on the link with the text "Secure Shell is an xterm-compatible terminal emulator."

Google Secure Shell Link.png

Step 3: Add the Extension[edit]

Click on the "Add to Chrome" button:

Google Secure Shell Install Page.png

Step 4: Grant Permissions[edit]

Grant the extension the required permissions:

Google Grant Secure Shell Permissions.png

Step 5: Receive Confirmation[edit]

Wait patiently; you'll soon receive a confirmation message. You may safely close this message; you're shell has been installed!

Google Secure Shell Confirmation.png