Digital Journal

From Coder Merlin
Revision as of 12:09, 25 May 2021 by Duong-quyen (talk | contribs) (Duong-quyen moved page W1005 Digital Journal to Digital Journal: Simplified navigation)
Within these castle walls be forged Mavens of Computer Science ...
— Merlin, The Coder
Alexander Liholiho's personal journal, 1849



Your journey through these computer science experiences will benefit greatly by journaling. Each journal entry will have four parts:

  1. A brief journal header
  2. The second part of your journal will document assistance that you have received or provided.
  3. The third part of your journal will have a prescribed format. Here, you'll have the opportunity to ponder about phenomena that you've observed and answer some questions.
  4. The fourth part of your journal entry will address some open-ended prompts that will be the same for each experience.
  5. The final part is your opportunity to further explore the experience on your own.


Journal Location and Name[edit]

All of your journals will be located in a subdirectory of your home directory, called "Journals". Let's create that directory now.

john-williams@codermerlin:~$  cd

john-williams@codermerlin:~$  mkdir Journals

john-williams@codermerlin:~$  cd Journals


Each file will be named in accordance with the identifier of the experience (with the "W" replaced by a "J") with an extension of ".txt". Let's create the journal for experience W1002 and enter the editor:

john-williams@codermerlin:~/Journals$  emacs J1002.txt

Journaling Requirements[edit]

  • The first part of your journal will be a simple header with your name, the journal identifier, and the date that you started writing the journal. Type that into emacs now:

1 | Name: Jane Williams
2 | Journal: J1002
3 | Date: 1-Jun-2024
4 |
5 |

  • The second part of your journal simply lists those individuals that have provided you with assistance and those individuals that you yourself have assisted:

4 |
5 |
6 | I received assistance from: John Williams
7 |
8 | I assisted: Jane Williams
9 |


Providing clear attribution when using the ideas and creations of others is a core tenet of your journey and a serious responsibility. Do not leave these lines relating to assistance blank. You must either list one or more names or explicitly state NO ONE.

  • The third part of your journal will have a prescribed format, as determined by the specific observation boxes in that experience. As an example, consider the following two boxes from W1002:

Observe, Ponder, and Journal: : Section 1
  1. Name at least two other services that you personally use which are implemented using a Client/Server Model

Observe, Ponder, and Journal: : Section 2
  1. It appears that both Jack Williams and John Williams can have a directory of the same name. Do you think the ability to have two different users create a directory of the same name is important? Why?

These questions should be labeled in your journal using the convention Section.Question followed by a newline character. Use complete sentences and leave a blank line between questions. In this example, there are two sections with one question in each section. In emacs, we'd continue as follows:

 8 |
 9 | 1.1:
10 | One of the other services that I use is...
11 | Another of the services that I use is...
12 |
13 | 2.1:
14 | I think that the ability to have two different users...

  • The fourth section will address some questions that require a bit more thought. These same questions will be answered for each experience. Let's add these lines to emacs now:

15 |
16 | What did I learn? What is the "big idea"?
17 |
18 | What challenges did I encounter?
19 |
20 | How could this experience be improved?
21 |

  • The final part of your journal is titled "Free Reflection." It's an opportunity for you to reflect on your experience and how it has impacted your thinking. Let's add these lines to emacs now:

21 |
22 | Free Reflection: How has what I've learned impacted my thinking?
23 |


Hint.pngHelpful Hint

In order to quickly create journals, you can copy this text into emacs into a file inside your Journals directory called "Template.journal". Then, in order to start a new journal, copy the template as a starting point.

jane-williams@codermerlin:~$  cd ~/Journals

jane-williams@codermerlin:~/Journals$  emacs Template.txt

Then, copy the text below into emacs:

Name: Jane Williams
Journal: J____
Date: 01-Jan-2023

I received assistance from:

I assisted: 




What did I learn? What is the "big idea"?

What challenges did I encounter?

How could this experience be improved?

Free Reflection: How has what I've learned impacted my thinking?

Before saving the file, change the name of the author to your name. Then save the file.

Now, the next time that you need a journal, copy the template as a starting point. For example:

jane-williams@codermerlin:~/Journals$  cp Template.txt Jnnnn.txt

